Welcome to University of Chittagong

Imagine. Lead. Change.

Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Dr. Muhammad Yeahia Akhter


Welcome to the University of Chittagong, the most beautiful university in Bangladesh. Since inception in 1966, the University of Chittagong has grown to become one of the flagship research-led universities, which is well known for the excellence of its teaching, research, and services to local, national and international communities.

The University of Chittagong in continuously flourishing in its quality teaching and impactful research along with its tangible infra-structural developments with commendable architectural designs.

As one of the largest and oldest public universities in Bangladesh, it comprises ten faculties including the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Business Administration. Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries and Faculty of Medicine.  

The University of Chittagong is unique in its campus setting, curricular and extra-curricular activities, and natural surroundings with its defining characteristics. At present, The University of Chittagong has more than 27,000 Students, 48 Departments, 6 Institutes, 25 affiliated college, 993 teaching staff and about 1888 supports staff. The University of Chittagong is one of the leading universities in Bangladesh in terms of quality research conducted by the faculties and students that are published in internationally acclaimed research outlets. The students of this university win the top positions in research, science fairs, sports, computer programming, engineering and venture competitions, debate, games etc. at the domestic and global platforms,  for which students identity the Chittagong University by choice in ever-increasing numbers day-by-day for building their professional and academic careers.

The 21st century has brought unprecedented social, economic, environmental and technological change. We are confronted with urgent challenges, in an era of unparalleled opportunity. There has never been a more crucial time for sustainable development to be front and center of the global agenda.

We have less than 7 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving the SDG will require new knowledge, technological innovation and social transformation. Chittagong University is steadfast in its commitment to generate, build on, and contributes to the SDGs. The Chittagong University’s mission of creating leaders committed to sustainable development is aligned with Vision 2041 where everyone has the opportunity to realise their potential

I wholeheartedly welcome all to take a virtual tour to explore the picturesque scenery and strengths of the University of Chittagong in its academic and natural settings.

Professor Benu Kumar Dey

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic)

Prof. Dr. Md. Sekander Chowdhury

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration)

Our History

The Chittagong University is situated on 2312.32 acres of beautiful hilly land in mauja Fatehpur under hathazari upazila, 22 km north of chittagong city. It was opened on 18 November 1966. Back in 1962, Mr. Mohammad Ferdaus Khan, Deputy Director of Public Instruction of East Pakistan, prepared a preliminary draft plan of Chittagong University. Prior to that the Chittagong University Movement Council was formed in 1961 with Badshah Mia Chowdhury, a distinguished social welfare worker of Chittagong, as president and professor Ahmad Hossain of Chittagong City College as convenor. Dr. muhammad shahidullah (1885-1969), Dr. muhammad enamul haq (1906-82) and some other intellectuals, educationists, political personalities, and social workers played leading roles in the site selection movement of 1962.


Creative endeavor for reaching a global height in higher education.


UMI: Impart superior knowledge, ereativity, and problem-solving abilities to students enabling them to become competent nation builders, community leaders, and global citizens. 

UM2: Instill in students the basic as well as advanced ingredients of cutting-edge research. 

UM3: Expand the frontiers of knowledge in partnerships with illustrious global universities and research organizations, and the industry. 

UM4: Promote professionalism, inclusivity, equal rights, ethical standards and diversity in modalities of education and to practice the sustainable development by way of co- and extra-curricular activities.

University of Chittagong at a glance

10000 +
Faculty Members
International Faculty Members


Arts and Humanities

Business Administration

Social Sciences

Biological Sciences



Marine Sciences and Fisheries


Research Highlight

We have students exchange and research collaboration program with a number of universities abroad and also academia-industry collaboration.

Media Lab

The media lab ensures the opportunity for the students to foster the advancement of convergence media and highlights the university achievements.

Experimental Labs

A good number of world-class research and experimental laboratories enrich our teaching and learning methodologies.

Research Highlights


Over 3,50,000 volumes of books, 40,000 e-Books, and journals for different Faculties, Centers and Institutes make it more enriched

Rare Collections

Consisting of various old manuscripts written in Bengali, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Urdu of about 600, which were written during the period 1872 to 1953.

Accessible E-Learning Center

A center with software and hardware facilities, dictionary, digital talking books, e-books, and many Braille books for the physically-challenged students.

Bangabandhu Corner

This section contains many national and international books written on the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Recent News and Events

চবি জিন প্রকৌশল ও জীবপ্রযুক্তি বিভাগের উদ্যোগে ডিএনএ দিবস ২০২৪ উদ্‌যাপিত

চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় জিন প্রকৌশল ও জীবপ্রযুক্তি বিভাগের উদ্যোগে ডিএনএ এর গঠন আবিষ্কারের ৭ দশক পূর্তি উপলক্ষ্যে ২৫ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ দিনব্যাপি বিভিন্ন কর্মসূচীর মাধ্যমে ডিএনএ দিবস ২০২৪ উদ্যাপিত হয়েছে। এ দিন বেলা ১১:০০ টায় উক্ত বিভাগের লেকচার হলে Making Sense of...

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চবি ইনোভেশন হাব পরিদর্শনে আসা বিশ্ব ব্যাংকের প্রতিনিধি দলের সাথে সাক্ষাতে চবি উপাচার্য

বিশ্ব ব্যাংকের একটি উচ্চ পর্যায়ের প্রতিনিধি দল ১৮ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ইনোভেশন হাব পরিদর্শন করেন। এদিন বেলা ১১:০০টায় প্রতিনিধি দলের সদস্যবৃন্দ চবি উপাচার্যের অফিস কক্ষে চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মাননীয় উপাচার্য প্রফেসর ড. মোঃ আবু তাহের এর সাথে সৌজন্য সাক্ষাৎ এবং...

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মহামান্য রাষ্ট্রপতির সাথে চবি উপাচার্যের সৌজন্য সাক্ষাৎ

মহামান্য রাষ্ট্রপতি ও চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মান্যবর চ্যান্সেলর মোঃ সাহাবুদ্দিন এর সাথে চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মাননীয় উপাচার্য বিশিষ্ট শিক্ষাবিদ প্রফেসর ড. মোঃ আবু তাহের ১৬ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ দুপুর ১২:৩০ টায় বঙ্গবভনে মহামান্য রাষ্ট্রপতির কার্যালয়ে ঈদ পরবর্তী শুভেচ্ছা বিনিময় এবং সৌজন্য সাক্ষাৎ করেন।

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চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় আয়োজিত পহেলা বৈশাখ বর্ষবরণ অনুষ্ঠানে চবি উপাচার্য “পহেলা বৈশাখ বাঙালির একটি সর্বজনীন লোকউৎসব”

‘এই বৈশাখে বৈশ্বিক বৈভবে’ এ স্লোগানকে ধারণ করে চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রশাসনের উদ্যোগে পহেলা বৈশাখ ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ বাঙালির শত বছরের ঐতিহ্যবাহী ‘বাংলা নববর্ষ’ দিনব্যাপি বিভিন্ন কর্মসূচির মাধ্যমে উদ্যাপন করা হয়েছে।

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Call Us
Phone (PABX): 726311-14
2606001-10, 2606915-27
Fax: 88-031-2606014, 88-031-2606145
Office Hours
08:00 AM – 03.30 PM
Sunday – Thursday
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Driving Directions

  • Drive via  Chittagong-Hathazari Highway. চট্রগ্রাম হাটহাজারী মহাসড়ক · 21.5 km
  • After reaching University 1 no gate turn left.
  • Proceed approximately two miles straight to the University railway station.

Metro Directions

  • Take the private bus service ‘Thori’ from Newmarket or Muradpur.
  • After reaching University 1 no gate get off from the bus and take the local CNG taxi service. 

Shuttle Train Directions

  • Take the university’s free Shuttle train from Chittagong railway station or Sholosohor railway station.
  • Get off the Shuttle train after arriving at the University railway station.

After reaching the Administrative building, Registrar’s Office is on the 1st floor, Beginning Block.

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